Platinium3 Bindings

kr 2199

We have developed a pad which is able to fit all types of feet whilst ensuring the best connection with your board. The pad offers the most amazing feel while riding, and absorb the impacts. The straps lock your feet to the pad in the ideal position.

To obtain the highest quality pads, we have chosen an injected process that permits various forms and densities. We created a dual-density pad for an optimized comfort: the edge areas are denser for a better support, while the foot bed areas are softer for more comfort. We are using a unique process that allows generating all possible forms while picking the best EVA foam density.

Because a pad is those two essential things: a form and a foam. The F-ONE strap is fully adjustable to the size and shape of the foot.

Now 3 different sizes available : S, M and L

Weight: 1,25 kg

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S, M, L/XL


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